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ZG 248 Skrämda – Frightened 1912 © - Sweden
Previous Skrämda 248 Karl Asplund 1920 in Swedish & English
International Frightened 261 Hjert & Hjert 1980 in English & Swedish
Catalogue Effarouchées - Loys Delteil 1909 in French
References Erschrocken - Schubert-Soldern 1905 in German
Motif from After the oil painting of “Skrämda” (100x65) by Zorn 1912 (P)
Executed In Zorn’s studio in Stockholm 1912 - but reversed from painting
Signed on Plate Signed “1912 Zorn” on the lower left corner
Plate Size 200 x 150 mm
Plate Destroyed Before 1920 (A)
Plate Archived With Zorn Collections (Mora, Sweden)
1 état / state – 2-5 copies / Rarity
Före torrnålsstreck över samtliga figurer och över berget i fonden närmast vattnet. De vita fläckarna mellan de två små figurerna äro större än i 2 état.
Before the dry-point lines on all the figures and on the hill in the background nearest the water. The white patches between the two small figures are larger than in state 2.
2 état / state - >50 copies / Not Rare
Reproducerat här och hos Asplund och H&H. Med nämnda torrnålsstreck. Den vita fläcken minskad.
Reproduced here and in Asplund and H&H. With the above mentioned dry-point lines. The white patches diminished.
Total number of copies sold at major auctions 1985 - 2006 = 32 copies
Some major Exhibitions with this etching
1970 American Swedish Historical Museum (Philadelphia)
1979 Spencer Museum of Art (Kansas, USA)
1979 Springfield Art Museum (USA)
1992 American Swedish Historical Museum (Philadelphia)
Some Museum Collections with this etching
American Swedish Historical Museum – 2 state
Art Institute of Chicago – 2 state (2)
Boston Public Library, Print Department –2 state
Göteborg Museum of Art – 2 state
Springfield Art Museum (USA) – 2 state
Thielska Art Gallery (Stockholm) – state unknown
Zorn Collections (Mora) – 1 state (2), 2 state (4)